Hacker Beach hackers are sad, when it's not January. So we kind of want to have a shared house to live and work in for other times of the year.
Apparently we're not alone: https://twitter.com/hackerbeach/status/702936619679145984
Use this page for collecting notes on anything from other people's examples to potential locations and properties.
- Shared ownership, with hackers as (equal?) holders of it
- Should we form a company/non-profit to own and manage it
- Permanent residents vs temporary residents (how long can/should people stay?)
- Income source: Airbnb when nobody is using it
Considerations for location
- Should be easily (but not too easily) reachable
- Decent internet access
- Warm weather in northern hemisphere winter months
Potential Locations
- Colombia (Cartagena, Medellín)
- Budapest, Hungary
- Penang, Malaysia