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HackerHouse: Notary

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Revision as of 11:21, 5 April 2019 by Raucao (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Email from the agent, on April 5: <blockquote>I was able to get some pricing for the notary closing costs, for a 65k property they have calculated a fee of about 3800EUR, for...")
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Email from the agent, on April 5:

I was able to get some pricing for the notary closing costs, for a 65k property they have calculated a fee of about 3800EUR, for what they are telling us there should not be very much difference for placing the property in a company name since its a foreign company, roughly 200EUR more, for a 40k property we are at about 3500EUR and about 200EUR more in a company name, the only one thing they are going to clarify still is the need for a Codice Fiscale for the company itself or if we will need to acquire an additional VAT number, I will know this later today.

The notary is going to require the person that signs to speak Italian since the title is produced in Italian, if you guys don't have one of your members avalaible that speaks the language then you can delegate me to sign in your name with a special power of attorney, that's however no problem.

I will be in contact later to day to explain in person.